Global Impact of Our Fisheries Software

Published on August 27, 2024

Many of you know us as leaders in the Canadian ELOG space, but did you know that our fisheries software is also being used worldwide, from FIPS to commercial ELOGS?

Our fisheries software has supported many initiatives, from enhancing traceability through QR codes for Albacore Tuna in BC to providing catch reporting and catch data visualization tools to empower local spiny lobster fishery management in Belize and the Bahamas. We’ve also simplified catch reporting for rapid data collection in Chile’s mackerel fisheries.

Interactive Global Map: Where We Work

For the first time, we’ve consolidated all these projects into one interactive map, allowing you to explore the full scope of our work and the diverse ways our tools are making a difference to fishery management and seafood sustainability.

Flexible Fisheries Software for Diverse Needs

Our two flagship products, FisheriesApp, which is also used for Canadian ELOGS, and KnowYour.Fish, are designed to adapt to the unique requirements of various projects and species. Instead of creating one-off, custom fishery software for each project, we’ve developed flexible solutions that can be tailored to meet the needs of fisheries anywhere in the world. This approach benefits all users by fostering reliable, user-friendly software through collective feedback and enabling us to continually improve our core products. By focusing on these adaptable tools, we can avoid the high costs and divided attention that come with maintaining multiple custom solutions.


We’ve partnered with like-minded organizations such as Ocean Wise, the Environmental Defence Fund (EDF), The Nature Conservancy (TNC),  and the Global Dialogue on GDST. This award-winning video from the EDF shows our FisheriesApp catch reporting software in action in Indonesia’s blue swimming crab fishery. See our software in the field just after the 12-minute mark:

EDF Fishing Smarter Video

Customer Success Stories

Fraser MacDonald of Goodfish Seafood shares his experience with our KnowYour.Fish software: “We want to make sure what we’re doing is transparent and honest. Using the software to show where our seafood comes from proves through a third party that we’re doing what we say we’re doing and helps build consumer trust.”

Bagus Santoso, an enumerator from Indonesia, prefers our FisheriesApp software to other software: “FisheriesApp made it easy and fast for me to input and submit Blue Swimming Crab data. The arrangement of the data form was more efficient than an Excel sheet.”

Melissa Grandy, a Newfoundland Enterprise Owner/Harvester, has found our Canadian ELOGS to be a game changer: “I have been recommending this program to everyone. Just the simplicity of getting it done at home in the evenings instead of at the wharf won me over. No taking off wet gloves and trying to keep the paper log book dry while filling it out.”

Learn More

Interested in how our fisheries software can support your fishery or project? Check out where we work or contact us to learn more about how our catch reporting and seafood traceability products are used around the world and how we can help support your fishery or project.