One Fish, Two Fish, Redfish, Blue Fish

Published on June 6, 2024

Redfish ELOGS

Canadian harvesters can use Vericatch’s ELOGS for Redfish in 2024

In February 2024, the DFO announced that it would reopen Canada’s Redfish fishery after it had been shut down for almost 30 years. This was positioned as a two-phased approach—with an initial two-year phase that would allow for data collection and give harvesters and processors time to prepare and a second phase focusing on the long-term development of the fishery.

Early in June, we found out, alongside harvesters, that the Redfish fishery for inshore fishermen will open in mid-June, and fishermen can use ELOGS for Redfish this season as part of the DFO’s data collection process.

Our FisheriesApp ELOGS have been certified for Redfish for quite some time now, and we’re Canada’s only nationally certified Redfish ELOG provider, so this was exciting news. We’re on board to make the transition as easy as possible for harvesters who will be fishing Redfish this season. We’ll be offering personalized onboarding for those who are new to ELOGS, just reach out to our team, and he’ll help you get set up. You can also email us at any time if you have questions about our ELOGS and how to use them for your Redfish fishery.

Redfish are harvested in Quebec, the Gulf, the Maritimes, and Newfoundland, and there are two species of Redfish in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Laurentian Channel areas – deepwater redfish (Sebastes mentella) and Acadian redfish (Sebastes fasciatus)

>> Sign up for Vericatch Redfish ELOGs