How We Safeguard Fishermen’s Data

Published on October 19, 2022


Data powers your business. Find out how you own and control your data when using FisheriesApp 2.0 ELOGS and how we safeguard it.

Data is power. And your data powers your business. This is why our FisheriesApp 2.0 electronic logbook (ELOG) software is built to ensure that your data is just that – yours. And it’s set up so that you alone can choose what data you share and who you share it with.

We’re a specialist Canadian-owned and Canadian-based fishing technology company. Software is the core of our business, and we’ve been working with fishermen and the DFO without a data breach for over 15 years. We’re not Google or Facebook, we do not make money off of our users’ data, and we don’t – and won’t – share it with anyone or sell it to anyone. We do follow all the standards defined by the DFO as well as all necessary compliance standards.

Each user of our FisheriesApp 2.0 ELOG software sets up their account with a unique username and password. And each user tracks their own specific set of data. No one else has access to that data or visibility into it. If you’re using our ELOGS for your official DFO catch reporting then whatever data the DFO requires you to submit for your fishery will be sent to them separately, but they do not have any visibility into any data other than what you submit.

As with any account you set up, your data is only as secure as the password you choose. And if you find it hard to come up with secure passwords and keep track of them, here are some useful password security ideas from Cybernews.

Once you enter your data into our software on your mobile device it is stored there and when you submit your data to the DFO it’s transmitted from your device via our server in Canada to the DFO. So if you’re fishing in Canadian waters and submit your data to the DFO your data never leaves Canada. On an ongoing basis, your data is stored on your mobile device and servers in Canada.

We build industry standard, or better, data protection into our products as well as meeting all requirements set out by regulatory bodies. To sum things up, we take protecting your data seriously – it only goes to places where you say it should go and only gets seen by people you approve.
