Easy-to-use ELOGs that are dependable, flexible, and secure. Designed by fishermen and technologists to work the way you do!
Our Commitment to Our Users
- We will listen to your input and constantly improve our ELOGs
- Our priority is to provide you with ongoing support and training (check out our Support Centre!)
- We will only send what is required to the DFO, nothing more
- We secure your data for you so that you alone can choose what to share and who to share it with

Vericatch’s ELOGs are a significant move towards modernizing catch reporting – they support industry innovation while providing access to near real-time data.
Why Electronic Logbooks?

Our ELOGs are DFO-certified nationally for: Lobster; Crab; Whelk, Bivalve Mollusks, and Squid; Groundfish (including Redfish, Cod, Turbot, and Halibut); Small Pelagics (including Mackerel, Herring, Alewife, Capelin, and Smelt); Salmon; Shrimp; and Urchins, Sea Cucumbers, Marine Plants.
Paper logbooks are repetitive, cumbersome to edit, easy to lose or damage, and a hassle to mail to the DFO.
Compare them to our ELOGs. Electronic logbooks are easier to edit than paper logbooks, and our software proofs your logbook so you don’t get it sent back by the DFO. Plus, ELOGs are faster and easier to submit to the DFO – you just press a transmit button, no mailing required. And they’re less repetitive to fill in – you type something once, and next time the software will autofill key parts of your forms for you.
We’re also the only Canadian ELOG provider with a dedicated app. Why? Apps are faster, more convenient, and easier to navigate than mobile websites when it comes to data collection at sea, and our app works whether or not you’re connected to the internet.
Getting Started
Step One: Sign Up on Our Website
- Create your account on our website. You are not able to use our ELOG app without first setting up an account
- Confirm your account via the email we send you
- Select your fishery type and service level
- Set up your profile, including your license #, FIN, and ELOG Key.
Step Two: Download and Login to our App on Your Mobile Device
- Download FisheriesApp2 from the Google Play App Store or the Apple App Store. Follow these links or search for “Vericatch FisheriesApp” on your preferred app store.
- Once you’ve downloaded the app, you can sign in using the account details you created in Step One.
Join our Test Crew
We are looking for harvesters who are interested in testing our Canadian electronic logbooks for free, sending along their feedback, and helping develop the most useful, easy-to-use ELOGs in Canada.
Here’s what the Test Crew commitment of three to four months looks like:
- You’ll get a year of our Premium national ELOGs for free (that’s a $120 value), so you can give them a thorough test
- We’ll be checking in with you once a month via a short customer interview to see what you think, and you’re also welcome to email us your input at any time.
- You’ll get one-on-one support from our team
- Each month, we’ll be giving away a $50 Tim Horton’s gift card to our test crew members in good standing
- Your input will help inform future releases of the overall electronic logbook product
Sign up now
Billed Yearly
Not included
> Catch Analysis
> Market Update
> Data Export
> Personalized Onboarding
> Support
Basic catch
reporting for commercial
> Catch
> Effort
> Revenue
> Maps
> Training
Complete catch
reporting for
commercial harvesters.
> Catch
> Effort
> Revenue
> Maps
> Catch
Catch reporting+
for data-driven
fish harvesters.
> Catch
> Effort
> Revenue
> Revenue
> Training
Two Week Trial
Do everything you can
do with our Premium paid
ELOGs except submit data
to the DFO.
> Catch
> Effort
> Revenue
> Training
> Maps