Where We Work

Discover how our FisheriesApp catch reporting software and KnowYour.Fish traceability tool have been used around the world, from FIPs to commercial ELOGS, by clicking on the pins on the interactive map below.

Amazon Fresh

End-to-end seafood traceability to build brand reputation and consumer trust

Newfoundland and Labrador

Nationally certified Redfish ELOG provider


Nationally certified Redfish ELOG provider

New BrunswicK

Nationally certified Lobster ELOG provider

Prince Edward Island

Nationally certified Lobster ELOG provider

Nova Scotia

Nationally certified Lobster ELOG provider

Newfoundland & Labrador

Nationally certified Lobster ELOG provider


Nationally certified Lobster ELOG provider

New Brunswick

Nationally certified Groundfish ELOG provider

Prince Edward Island

Nationally certified Groundfish ELOG provider

Nova Scotia

Nationally certified Groundfish ELOG provider

Newfoundland & Labrador

Nationally certified Groundfish ELOG provider.

British Columbia

Nationally certified Groundfish ELOG provider.

New Brunswick

Nationally Certified DFO Crab ELOG Provider

Prince Edward Island

Nationally Certified DFO Crab ELOG Provider

Nova Scotia

Nationally Certified DFO Crab ELOG Provider

Newfoundland & Labrador

Nationally Certified DFO Crab ELOG Provider


Nationally Certified DFO Crab ELOG Provider


Nationally Certified DFO Crab ELOG Provider


Nationally certified Groundfish ELOG provider.

British Columbia, Canada

Nationally certified ELOG provider.


Catch reporting to inform a fishery economic model in a development setting.


Simplified catch reporting to enable rapid baseline data collection. Read our blog to learn more about this project.


Simplified catch reporting to enable rapid baseline data collection.


Catch reporting and data visualization tools to empower local fishery management.


Catch reporting and data visualization tools to empower local fishery management.

British Columbia, Canada

Custom fishery management and catch reporting application that enables validation of data across skippers, observers, dockside monitors, and fishery managers.

British Columbia, Canada

Traceability via QR codes for storytelling and product differentiation.

Wakulla County, Florida, USA

Traceability and storytelling to access premium markets.

Fraser & Harrison River, BC, Canada

First Nations catch reporting and traceability project to elevate fishery products into new premium markets.